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Étiqueté : Guimet

“You shall not have my head!” An exchange between the Louvre and the Musée Guimet

A letter with a singular tone found in the archives gives us an opportunity to follow back the misadventures of a statue representing the goddess Isis nursing her son Horus and inscribed in the name of the divine worshipper Chepenupet II.

Mummies & manias

The 19th century is never a disappointment when it comes to originality. Here are a few anecdotes recently unearthed that revolve around the oddities that could be provoked by the cleverly staged exhibition of...

Momies et manies

Le XIXe siècle ne nous décevra jamais en matière d’originalité. Voici quelques anecdotes dénichées récemment qui tournent autour des bizarreries que pouvaient provoquer l’exposition habilement mise en scène des momies égyptiennes d’Antinoé au musée...